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Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi A Hard Line Protege Ascending To Power

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi: A Hard-line Protégé Ascending to Power

The Complex Legacy of Abolhassan Banisadr

From Ally to Adversary of Khomeini

In the tumultuous aftermath of the Iranian Revolution, Abolhassan Banisadr emerged as a pivotal figure. Elected president in 1980, Banisadr initially served as an advisor to Ayatollah Khomeini, the revolutionary leader. However, his leftist views and clashes with Khomeini's other allies led to a bitter break.

Raisi's Rise to Prominence

In 1989, after Khomeini's death, Banisadr was appointed prosecutor of Tehran. Meanwhile, a young cleric named Ebrahim Raisi ascended through the ranks of the Iranian judiciary, becoming a close confidant of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Raisi's hard-line stance aligned with Khamenei's vision for Iran, earning him the reputation as a potential successor.

Raisi's Presidency: A Continuation of Hard-Line Policies

In the years leading up to his election as president in 2021, Raisi's role in overseeing Iran's notorious Evin prison and his involvement in the mass executions of political prisoners cemented his image as a hard-liner. His presidency is widely seen as a continuation of the conservative policies pursued by Khamenei.

The Implications for Iran and the Region

Raisi's ascent to the presidency has significant implications for Iran's future both domestically and internationally. His hard-line stance on social and political issues is likely to further stifle dissent within Iran. Moreover, his support for Iran's nuclear program and his hostility towards Western powers could escalate tensions in the region.
